This is about more than just another criminal case against Trump. This is an indictment of the people who voted for Trump despite plenty of evidence that he was unfit for office; the people who tried to help him undermine our elections; and of the people who failed to realize how close we came to every guardrail breaking down.
Three notes from this op-ed:
If you had any doubts that these persecutions were only about Trump and not you, the author dispells them for you.
Democrats may object to elections, but you mere Republicans may not.
The author really believes “every guardrail” was about to breakdown with the re-election of Trump. When Democrats refer to guardrails, they don’t mean the Constitution or an objective rule of law, they mean the technocratic, administrative, welfare, nanny state. They mean the artifice of bogus Supreme Court rulings, the “rulemaking” agencies unaccountable to voters or, more often then not, the so-called law that created them.
The left’s fear of the imminent breakdown of every guardrail is a great opportunity that should give Republicans hope. The left intuitively knows that its power is built on a “narrative” rather than the truth. Break the spell of the narrative and their power collapses. Donald Trump challenged the narrative. He did not do always do it well, but he stood up to it. The lesson for all Republicans is “to not live by lies”.
The behavior of the left is similar to paranoid delusionals. As many Americans are painfully aware, when the narrative is challenged, the Left responds ruthlessly. We will need to mutually pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to bringing down the tyranny of the technocratic, administrative, welfare, nanny state. As we bring down the current tyrannical regime, we must dedicate ourselves to the great task of re-establishing government of the people, by the people, for the people.
In short, we must return the ring of power to Mt. Doom and destroy it.