The Heart of Liberty and the Right to Feed One’s Family Posted on May 27, 2020 The Heart of Liberty and the Right to Feed One’s Family Moyé’s offer gave away the game. The goal was to make an example of Luther. Either she would be locked up, or she would be forced to wear her Scarlet Letter for all to see. And there was one final condition Judge Moyé sought to impose: Luther would have to agree to cease operation of her salon and “not reopen until further orders of the government” permit her to do so.There was no evidence in the hearing on the matter of whether the state’s indefinite lockdown order, which is preventing millions of people from providing for their families, remains necessary at this point. There was no effort to find a middle ground that might protect people while permitting Luther to earn an honest living.That was never the goal. Moyé’s hearing was about putting a head on a pike. To avoid the clink, Luther would be required to take a long “walk of shame” and promise never to open her business again unless and until the government said she may.