I can think of no better strategy than to force those with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy to play by the rules they say they believe in. Constantly.
At the same time, the Republican Party ought to bring in and promote people from the “oppressed castes” who both reject Munchausen Syndrome and believe in Americanism. Such brave and outspoken individuals deserve our admiration and support for refusing to take the seductive blue pill the MEET Complex throws at them from the moment they enter kindergarten. Those who have the fortitude to resist the lies of the MEET Complex constantly reinforced throughout their lives, through the mainstream media, through the university, through Hollywood, through pop music, and through the left-leaning internet material, which is collated and curated by the tech industry, deserve all the admiration in the world.
This is our task. We have a country to win back from mentally ill vandals suffering from Munchausen and a nation to build up from degradation and falsehoods. Let’s go!
By Hezekiah Kantor • June 12, 2020