But Hawley is mistaken that only religious conservatives can supply the answer. Instead, we should look to those who take the Declaration of Independence seriously, with its reliance on the “laws of nature and of nature’s God.” The God who gave us souls, also gave us nature and reason for the purpose of understanding it.
As human beings, we should accept these gifts of reason and nature as givens. We all know the differences between boys and girls. So, too, do we know the differences between free men and slaves. When people who believe there are boys and there are girls get treated as slaves, they should not look for judges to help them out, especially when it is the judges who got them into this mess.
On the U.S. Supreme Court, there remains only Justice Thomas to respect this reasoning. If there are others in government or politics, they are silent. We must do the speaking for ourselves now.
By Ken Masugi • June 17, 2020