The story of America is precisely the heroic story of pioneers who bring the American ideal again and again to the West. by Christopher Flannery
Preserving the American Way of Life
Making multiculturalism the enemy provides a big opportunity for Republicans. Opposing multiculturalism, like slavery and Communism before it, has the potential to energize the Republican party and the conservative movement. Conservatives, who are in the business of conserving things, come to life when there is something important to conserve. This allows them to stake out…
American Foreign Policy and the Failure of Reason
By William Smith|May 26th, 2020
Old Man Eloquent
In a famous 1893 speech, he said: “Men talk of the Negro problem. There is no Negro problem. The problem is whether the American people have honesty enough, loyalty enough, honor enough, patriotism enough to live up to their Constitution.” Or as W. E. B. Du Bois put it in The Souls of Black Folk: Douglass…
How to Bring Millennials Back to Church
By Louis Markos|May 30th, 2020
The ‘Mustard Seed’ that Grew to Liberate Christian Spain from Muslim Rule
By the mid-eighth century, the “vital spark” had spread to engulf the entire northwest of the peninsula; over the following centuries, various kingdoms, whose core identity revolved around Christian defiance to Islam — later manifested as the Reconquista — had evolved from this mustard seed. “Covadonga became the symbol of Christian resistance to Islam and a…
The Shame of Proxy Voting in the House of Representatives
In 1814, after the British had turned Washington, D.C. to burning rubble, Members of the House packed into the Patent Office (the present-day National Portrait Gallery), one of the few public buildings that was spared. In extremely tight quarters, they debated the wisdom of abandoning D.C. for another, more comfortable, and safer location. Joseph Pearson…
But what is ultimately called for in modern public discourse is not mere humility, but magnanimity, which literally means having a “large spirit,” or a “great soul.” The fortunate among us have known at least one such person with a great soul—that person who never gossips, who appears not to see faults in others, overlooking,…