How much of a consensus have we actually had over our two centuries since the signing of the Declaration or the establishing of our Constitution? Why is always Democrats who undermine it?
Does Anyone Think DeSantis Won’t Get Impeached Or Framed?
Tucker Carlson: If You’re Being Honest With Yourself, You Have To Wonder If Joe Biden Is A “Wannabe Dictator” Tucker Carlson: If You’re Being Honest With Yourself, You Have To Wonder If Joe Biden Is A “Wannabe Dictator” Ep. 4 Wannabe Dictator — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 15, 2023
DeSantis’ Plan to Tear Down the DOJ Is What All the Candidates Need
I, and a good chunk of the Republican “base” have been searching for Republican candidates who would go offense instead of the usual dimming attitude we’ve had to stomach for so long (“compassionate conservatism” anyone?) Donald Trump was the first one who took the political fight to the Democrats. So far, DeSantis not only looks…
Authorities Panic as Middle-Schoolers Rebel Against ‘Pride’ Force-feeding – PJ Media
A new way of teaching kids to read in Georgia June 12, 20234:13 PM ET Heard on All Things Considered FROM By Grant Blankenship Wow, straight forward reporting from NPR about actual truth that undermines decades of incompetent teaching and doctrine of the teachers unions and public schools.
Do These Books Belong in Public School Libraries? You Be The Judge
Do These Books Belong in Public School Libraries? You Be The Judge
Chief Justice Doesn’t Follow Own Advice in Alabama Redistricting Case
Biden Updates Iwo Jima Memorial With Pride Flag | Babylon Bee
Tucker Carlson: Trump Is The One Guy Who Could Be President Who Dissents From Washington’s War Agenda Posted By Ian SchwartzOn Date June 13, 2023