Wind and solar also bring little to no value to electrical grids. When the sun doesn’t shine, and the wind doesn’t blow at set speeds, it destroys a grid’s spinning reserve mode, peaking mode, and backup mode. Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, South Australia, California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and the latest government to go all in for renewables — Virginia — have all…
Saint Paul the Sociologist
One might want to say that the culminating moment of the sexual revolution came in June of 2015 when the Supreme Court found (or rather, “found”) that the Constitution contains a right to same-sex “marriage” – just as one might want to say that the culminating moment of the French Revolution came in January of…
Release Free Market for Affordable, Accessible Medical Care
There are several lessons we have learned from the CoViD-19 experience such as: the unreliability of predictive models; the danger of depending on foreign supply chains; over-reaction can be a deadly as under-reaction; and the need for better contingency planning. There is one lesson we have not absorbed: to get timely, affordable care, Americans need the private sector, the…
Honoring the Moral Purpose of Business
To become an honorable businessperson, then, requires not only technical training, but also an understanding of wTo become an honorable businessperson, then, requires not only technical training, but also a philosophically grounded understanding of what the purpose of that training is. And that requires drawing on humanities—philosophy, theology, history, literature. Honorable business has enabled unprecedented…
Rage and Recriminations in the Wake of COVID-19
That will certainly be the dominant effort. But back in March, before the destruction of more than 30 million jobs and tens of thousands of shuttered businesses, before the missed graduations, and soaring suicide and drug-addiction rates, I wondered when it would be that people would cotton on to the fact that the real crisis here was…
‘Grant’ and the Left-Wing MEET Complex
Taken together, the MEET complex is formidable in its ability to saturate the American public with its slanted propaganda. It writes, teaches, portrays, and filters any history that might confirm right-leaning assumptions out of the story. If you really want to defeat leftist propaganda, you first have to isolate and defeat the MEET complex. We…
Restore Authority to Education
But the loss of authority in our schools can be seen on a much more elemental level as well. One need not be a tweedy classicist yearning for the bygone days when secondary school students all studied Latin to recognize this missing component in education. You don’t have to look at the books and lessons….