A self-evident truth does not need a proof; it only needs to be understood. If a university assembled a committee of scholars and spent years and millions of dollars examining those statements about Columbus and Milton, absolutely nothing would be gained. When the scholars issued their report, people would be right to say it was a waste…
Why We Really Can’t Celebrate Both Surrogacy and Mother’s Day
Although surrogacy dispenses with each of these mothers on an as-desired basis, children naturally need all three. Each mother offers something that children need, and indeed, have a right to. If we want to spare children the pain of the primal wound, genealogical bewilderment, and mother hunger, we will oppose surrogacy and insist that, except…
Prudence and Pandemics: The lesson of this pandemic is prudence; we have not been prudent.
Although often associated with the free market because it is the free market that produces the wealth that can corrupt, lack of prudence has little to do with economic systems as opposed to culture and historical experience. Given so many variables, one very rough proxy for cultural prudence can be derived from saving and borrowing…
We Need New Institutions, Not Arguments
Habitual indictment of corrupt institutions, leaders, and the general morass has become the Right’s pacifying mantra, a diversion that lulls us into the sleep of inaction. Words do not absolve us from what needs to be done, not written. It is time to act—to attack corrupt institutions and defend the good, yes, but this too…
The Speech That Changed the World
https://claremontreviewofbooks.com/digital/the-speech-that-changed-the-world/ The House Divided speech, however, was—perhaps more than any political address of the time — a causal agent in bringing about the terrible events over which Lincoln was destined to preside. Its theme is expressed in the biblical admonition that “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” In it Lincoln declared that he believed that…
Chicago Mayor Launches Police Raid to Shut Down Black Church’s Sunday Services
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/24/chicago-mayor-launches-police-raid-shut-down-black-church/ The pastor of the mostly black congregation, Courtney Lewis, reportedly shut and locked the doors and refused to allow the officers to gain entry to the building, Todd Starnes reported. Pastor Lewis told Starnes that he felt like he was confronting “the Soviet-style KGB” as the officers pounded on his doors and demanded entry to shut…